2021 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies

LifeTech 2021 | Mielparque Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan | March 10-12, 2021

Paper Submission Procedures

Creating Your Account

  1. Go to EDAS Conference Management System.
  2. Click "create new account."
  3. Fill required fields.
  4. Fill additional fields if any (wheelchair, vegetarian, etc.).
  5. Check "I consent to the EDAS privacy policies" and click Add this person.
  6. Instructions for setting up the password will be mailed.
  7. Clicking the link in the mail body lets you to the screen below for setting your password.
  8. Clicking Reset password activates your EDAS account.

Paper Registration (Entry)

  1. Login EDAS Conference Management System and click Submit paper and Find "IEEE LifeTech 2021" from the list.
  2. Click (+) icon on the right.
  3. Select a track which related to your paper.
  4. Enter the required field and check the topics related to your paper.
  5. Click your preferred presentation category and paper type.
    LifeTech 2021 welcomes the following three type presentations.
    • Oral: 15 minuites preseantation and 5 minuites discussion.
    • Poster: Presentation in front of your poster panel during core-time of the appointed poster session.
    • Demo: Demonstration at your demo booth during core-time of the appointed demo session.
      Demo booth has a poster panel, a desk, and an electric power supply.
    Please check the following paper type if applicable. These are nominated automatically to Student Paper Award and WIE Paper Award, respectively.
    • Student paper: The first author and presenter is a student.
    • WIE paper: The first author and presenter is femal.
    LifeTech 2021 will held both REAL (on-site) and VIRTUAL (on-line/on-demand) style presentations. Please chose your preferred style. We will provide you with detailed information how to make a presentation after you have been notified your acceptance.
  6. Enter the required field and check the topics related to your paper.
  7. Press Submit button to proceed.
  8. Your paper registration is completed. Use (+) icon at "Authors" to add co-authors (you may have to ask co-authors to create accounts on EDAS). Use upload icon at "Review manuscript" to upload your paper.

Review Paper Template & Upload

  1. Get an A4-sized IEEE template and write your paper (2-pages for review).
  2. Login EDAS Conference Management System.
  3. Registered papers are now listed in your home page. Click icon at "Upload paper" to proceed.
  4. Confirm that authors listed in your manuscript are correctly registered on EDAS. Check the checkbox and proceed uploading.